Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Happy Fall Ya'll!

Fall in Alabama means last week we pulled out the winter coats and boots and could not get warm.  We were drinking hot chocolate, we were making chili.  This week I am out in the yard in my shorts and flip flops and had to turn on the air!

We have been very busy picking pecans.  I wasn't going to sell any, but when I heard they were going for $1.30 a pound, I took 50 pounds.  The next day I took 59 pounds and they were up to $1.50 a pound!  So, we have still been picking ... and picking.  My body is ready for a break.  I am still keeping a bunch to shell and put up in the freezer. 

I had no idea there were different names for the pecans.  The ones I have been bringing to sell are called seedlings.  We found some tiny ones yesterday at our family farm (shown in the picture above).  They are about half the size of the seedlings, so we kept them separate and am going to ask tomorrow what they are called.  We also have a few trees that have 'Stewarts," which are the big fat pecans native to this area of south Alabama.  The pecan place has a big board with about 50 different pecans and their names.  I never knew there was so much to know about pecans.  The seedlings seem to be selling for the most, I am guessing because of their pretty brown nuts and very flavorful, almost maple taste.

In other news I am trying to work on my compost so I can put it on my raised beds to have them ready for spring.  I am looking into what else I should be doing to get them ready.  I have never done any of this before.  When I have had a garden, my husband just takes the tractor and fills it with dirt.  Usually it is awful red clay!

We are also having a haunted hayride down at our farm for the kids.  Lots of cousins are coming and we have a lot of work to do.  I also want to have caramel apples and hot chocolate after, so there are plans to be made.  Thank goodness my husband has the day off tomorrow.  He has a lot of honey dos :)

This post has been added to the Homestead Revival Barn Hop!


1 comment:

  1. I can't imagine picking pecans~we don't have them here. Too cold. I did pick hickory nuts, but I need to get busy and start cracking them so I have some to bake with. Sounds like you're going to have a lot of fun with your haunted hayride.
