Sunday, April 8, 2012

Baby Chicks

We were so excited to get some baby chicks yesterday!  Unfortunately, most of our sources had sold out of their chicks since we started so late, but we found some at Tractor Supply.  I know that is probably not the best place to get them, but they were the only ones left with any.

Aren't they precious?

Now here is how much we don't know about chickens.  We asked them what kind they were and they said they were pullets.  Also marked that on the carton.  So we have been telling people that they were pullets.  Well today I looked that up and that just means little chicks, am I right?

I guess we will have to wait and see unless there is some way to tell what they are when they are little.  My girls are in love with them as you can see.  I am glad because I was worried I was taking on too much and that nobody would help me, but they seem to be willing so far.

My husband and brother built them a little pen for the meantime.  We are working on building a bigger coop for the long term. 

I told my oldest daughter I was going to call her the chicken lady.  They all seemed to be drawn to her.  It is probably because she was the most still out of the 3 kids.

Here are a couple more pictures in case any of you have an idea what these may be.  Looking forward to finding out all kinds of information about chickens.  I have already learned so much just in the past day.



  1. Hard to tell when they are still at small. Could be an assortment? You could call Tractor Supply and ask what kind of chicks they carry in the spring or wait until they get a little bigger. I would guess an Americana (easter egg chicken - will lay green/blue eggs), buff orpington, or maybe even a cochin just from the gold colors.

    Have fun with the new babies!

  2. The chicks are adorable! So glad you are getting the help you need.

    1. Thanks, I am getting the help and then some! LOL

  3. May I suggest picking up Jenna Woginrich's book called "Chick Days"? It's a wealth of information and the way it's written would appeal to kids. I just finished it and it's fantastic. You could also pick up any Storey guide at your library. They have a wonderful series on farming and animals.

    1. Thank you Daisy. I am writing those down, I will check them out :)

  4. They look like Buff Orpington chicks. These are really good, gentle breed, but it is hard to tell when they are so small. Pullet means young hen, cockrell means young rooster. So, you may have gotten lucky and got all female chicks. Good luck!

    1. That is what a couple people have said, Paula. They are supposed to be all female, the sign said sexed for all female, so I guess we will see :)

  5. Congrats on the chicks! We're waiting for ours to come. We ordered them for a June delivery tho, so we still have quite a while to wait. In the mean time we have 4 ducklings! :-)

    1. Ducklings, how exciting! We saw some of those there too, but I had to remind myself we do not have a pond yet LOL

  6. they really look like the sexlinks we got at tractor supply. yes...that means females (pullets). sexlinks are great layers.

    1. You are right, some are sex links and some are Rhode Island Reds :)

  7. I'm just going to guess here...and I'm a little late but I'm going to say you have Golden Sex Links and Rhode Island Reds there. Did you ever call TS to find out? :)

    1. Sorry I am just now seeing this. You are right, I believe that is what they are!
